How to remove a label in Gmail

How to remove a label from Gmail

It’s a good idea to set up folders and labels if you want to manage your email in Gmail or try to achieve Inbox Zero. The emails should then be forwarded to the correct locations so that they could be found later on. But what if one day you open your inbox and find that your folders and labels are an unorganized mess? The moment has come to begin cleaning up. In Gmail, follow these steps to remove labels and folders.

QUICK ANSWER – How to remove a label in Gmail

To delete labels and folders in Gmail, go to the labels section in Settings. There, you can delete whatever you like. The process is more or less the same for both mobile and desktop.

Before you start:
Make sure you follow the below steps:

You have to check your filters to determine which ones will be impacted by eliminating a label before using the virtual shears to begin cutting away at your folders. After that, you must modify the filter by adding a new label. If you don’t, Gmail will restore the label you just deleted the next time an email arrives and matches that filter.

So if you don’t want your hard deleting work to be in vain, it’s best to tweak the affected filters first. It’s best to do this step on the desktop Gmail. You can start deleting labels when you’re sure all of the affected filters have been changed.

How to delete labels and folders in Gmail (Android and iOS)

To delete labels in the mobile Gmail app, tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner. Then select Settings.

Tap on the email address you want to delete the labels for.

Now scroll down till you see Labels >Label settings.

gmail mobile label settings

You’ll now see a list of your labels. Choose the one you want to delete by tapping on the blue arrow on the far right.

gmail mobile labels

You’ll now see a red delete link. Click that to delete the label.

gmail mobile delete label

How to delete labels and folders in Gmail (desktop) / How to remove a label in Gmail

The desktop method is much faster and easier. Go to the Labels section in Settings and scroll down to Labels.


gmail desktop labels

You’ll see remove links on the right-hand side. Click the remove link for the labels you want to delete.

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